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Competitive League



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Is IPGSA Comp Division the right choice for your team?


IPGSA is here to help teams achieve more dirt time with quality games for as little cost as possible.

League play is an excellent way to help coaches ensure all athletes are getting the quality playing time needed to improve their skills.

Game schedules are 100% up to the Coach.

If you don't want to play in May because of school activities... don't schedule.

If you want all of your games in March and April to prepare for the Tourney season... so be it.

IPGSA brings Coaches together to schedule all of the games you can handle or as few games as you want.

What if games rain/snows out? You can make it up or not (we don't like to stress out the coaches & families)... it will not count against you for the end of season tourney.

Coaches can schedule weekly, bi-weekly or a few games monthly. Play only 3 games a month for a total of 12 extra games (EOS tourney adds another 2 to 8 games)


 There is no limit to; when you practice, how much you practice, how many tourneys you are in. No limits, except for having quality games, improving skills, team bonding and having fun!  


IPGSA COST: $250 a team: $70 (League Fee) + $180 (End of Season (EOS) Double Elimination tournament)

Additional cost you will need to account for:
Home team provides field, 1 ball and 1 ump. (Sell snacks if possible at home games... you will cover the ump).
To keep field cost minimal, many teams drop one practice every other week.
Ump Cost: $40-$60 a game.
You can schedule your games as Double Headers and split ump cost or play Single Games.
Some teams will play 4 games on an open Saturday/Sunday during the season.
There are many options on what your schedule can look like, it's all up to you.
Depending on the teams; we can form the divisions North & South for easy travel... or Gold & Silver for best games.
The coaches will decide at the meeting (majority rules)... rule changes, schedules and EOS Tourney Dates.

TOTAL COST:  $650ish depending on how many games you play. Approx. 12-25 games with league and tourney.



  • limit when a team can start practicing
  • limit how many times a team can practice
  • limit how many tournaments a team can enter

Schedules and Standings

All schedules are done by the Coaches in February.
For more info, please send an email to

Please contact the head coach of the opposing team if there are any questions as to when and where a game will be played.
If a game is cancelled due to weather or school functions, the coaches are encouraged to rescheduled the cancelled game. If a game can't be made up, it will be taken into consideration for seeding the End-of-Season Tourney.

Schedules are also available in the IPGSA program book.

Standings are updated periodically. Note that standings reflect reported games only.
Please remember to report the scores to the scores and standings person for your division within 72 hours!

Schedules and Standings

Report Schedule Changes or Scores (Select subject: Comp league schedules and scores)