On the night of November 25th, Darrin and Cheri McGill’s daughter Kieran was driving back to Garden City Community College in Kansas where she attended school on a softball scholarship. Kieran had come home to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with her family. While driving back to college, Kieran hit a patch of icy road and lost control of her vehicle hitting a semi head on. Sunday evening, Thornton police arrived at the McGill home, informing Cheri, Darrin and Kieran’s three siblings of her unfortunate death.
Kieran was a 2018 graduate of Prospect Ridge Academy in Erie. She played competitive softball for Colorado Venom and was also a member of the Horizon High School softball team.
Kieran McGill Memorial Fund - GoFundMe page
2020 was the first year a scholarship in Kieran's name was awarded.
IPGSA has awarded $1,800 from the TUT's & shirt sales in Kieran's Name
(as of 1.1.25)
Loss of one of our softball members
IPGSA sell shirts, sweats and other apparel at Tournaments and Events to be able to offer Player Scholarships and to give to The Jazmyne Davis Infinity Fund (TJDIF).
Often times you will see the #5 inside of a heart on IPGSA Shirts. That is in support and remembrance of Jazz.
"The softball world mourns the loss of a young lady who truly loved the game. Jazmyn Davis,... #5 for the Thunder team out of Colorado lost her battle with bone cancer and will certainly be missed. Please keep her family, her teammates, and all those who loved her in your prayers." Godspeed Jazmyn!
Click here to make donations at Fundraiser for Jazmyne Davis.

Thanks for your support!
IPGSA has awarded $11,625 from the TUT's & shirt sales for The Jazmyne Davis Foundation and Player scholarships. (as of 1.1.25)
Dina Brown was a happy go lucky young lady. She played Recreational Softball for many years in Boulder. On an early morning in December 2015, Dina was found deceased in her bed from a heart condition. Dina and her family are big supporters of Boulder Valley Girls' Softball Association and Youth Sports. Dina's great smile and attitude will be greatly missed.
Dina was adopted from Russia as a young child and her family ask for donations to go to the below link.
Families for Russian and UkrainianAdoption (including Neighboring countries), known as FRUA. Mailing address is FRUA, P.O. Box 2944, Merrifield, VA 22116. Also online at
Five-year-old Mila Meck had come to the Erie, CO, ball park with her family on July 21 to watch her big sister Amaya play softball -- just as the family had done hundreds of times in the past. But on July 21, a stray foul ball landed on top of Mila’s tiny head fracturing her skull. Her frantic parents, Morissa and Josh, rushed her to the hospital, and emergency surgery at Children’s Hospital was performed to fix the life-threatening injury. Thankfully Mila has made a miraculous recovery to date, and even showed up for a standing ovation at the ball park a week later. However, a mere five days after her admittance to Children’s, the medical bills have begun to arrive at the Meck’s Firestone, CO, home. Please consider donating to this amazing family of six to help with what is sure to be an onslaught of health care bills not covered by their insurance.
Nevaeh has cystinosis, a rare genetic metabolic disease that causes the amino acid cystine to accumulate in various organs of the body. Without specific treatment, children with Cystinosis develop end stage kidney failure at approximately age nine. Nevaeh takes 9 medications, eyedrops, and growth hormone injections everyday. She is at 55% kidney function and will require a transplant when she reaches 10%.
So far, over $2000 has been raised.
Thanks for your support!
In 2017, Mark Martinez, a youth softball coach tragically loss his life in a house explosion in Firestone, CO.
In remembrance of his dedication to coaching the Youth of Carbon Valley, IPGSA's Summer Day at the CO Rockies donates 50% of it's fundraiser to the Mark Martinez Family.
Since 2017, a total of $2,676 has been donated with Rockies' ticket sales. (as of 10.18.18)

Sara Quintana (CO Intensity) runs a custom apparel business along with her husband. If your teams need any parent/fan gear or uniforms done… they can set up a team section on the website for your parents to order from. We specialize in custom apparel and can do screen print, vinyl, semi-sub, full-sub and embroidery.

Erika Menninger OTD, OTR/L
Looking to improve your softball pitching mechanics, strengthen your mental game, learn the core philosophy of the windmill pitch, increase your velocity, learn movement or off-speed pitches or set and crush your softball goals?
Coach Erika brings her knowledge of the game, high energy, motivation, and encouragement to take the girls to the next level. Contact her to book your pitching lesson today!
Contact Erika Menninger today at: (425) 736-4558
Erika Menninger Pitching Instruction - Information Sheet