(Updated 9.5.24. Rules may be updated any time during the season)
Downloadable Rules
*Most Ball Parks do not allow dogs. Please visit complex info (ipgsa.com… locations) regarding their dog policy prior to games
*IF DOGS are allowed; Any aggressive or continuously barking dogs will be asked to leave as this is a distraction to the players.
*Parents, Fans and teams are responsible for cleaning up all areas after their games, including the stands.
*Coaches are responsible for carrying first-aid kits and cold/ice packs for injured players.
*Field Supervisors will not have ice or EM kits.
*Coaches are responsible for carrying player registrations that include, but are not limited to; DOB and EM info.
*Teams are responsible for their own equipment including tees used at 8U and 10U rec.
*Coaches are responsible to be Concussion Certified. cthttps://www.cdc.gov/headsup/youthsports/training/index.html
*A background check must be completed on ALL coaches. Coaches, please contact area directors for more information.
*Area Directors, Cities, Towns, Private program and/or Organizations are required to background check all coaching staff.
*Area Directors, Cities, Towns, Private program and/or Organizations are required to keep for their records the Concussion Certificate & Background Check.
*A copy will be requested if needed.
*Each HEAD COACH is responsible for controlling their assistant coaches, players, parents, and fans of his/her team. Failure to do so, shall result in one team/parent warning and, coach and harassing party(ies) ejection and possible forfeiture of the current weekend’s games.
*Smoking and alcohol are not allowed at practices or games. Use of any Tobacco Product is prohibited which includes; “lighting”, chewing, smoking, inhaling, vaporizing, ingesting or application of any “Tobacco Product”.
*No Taunting. Cheers must be limited to those that are positive in nature and must not be directed at the opposing player, coaches, or team.
*If a Coach, Player and/or Fan are ejected from a game, the umpire should report the incident within 24 hours to the area director.
*If a Player, Coach, Fan or Umpire displays inappropriate behavior, the coach(s) observing the behavior MUST report the incident to their area director and Field Supervisor.
*If a Coach or an Adult is ejected from a game, they MUST leave the field or complex beyond the fence lines and MUST sit out the next scheduled game.
*If a Player is ejected, they are to remain on the bench for the remainder of the game in progress. They may return to play in the next game.
*If a Parent/Fan is ejected, a team warning will be given that the next offense will result in all parent/fan ejections. If a second parent/fan is ejected, all parents/fans from the offending team, will be ejected for the current game. They MUST leave the field or complex beyond the fence lines and MUST sit out the next scheduled game to be played.
*Most gates will open 60 mins before the first game of the day. Teams should be at the field at least 30 mins prior to game time.
*If a Pitching plate needs to be moved, please find a Field Sup. If one is not available, we ask for coaches to help move plates (please bring a hammer with you).
*No Warm-ups on the dirt fields in fair territory. Warm-ups can be done is the grass areas and on the dirt in foul territory. This includers Pitchers.
*Some fields FB rents are used for Adult Softball. If there is a WHITE line in the outfield, Fall Ball DOES NOT play it. If a field is not softball regulated and/or there are NO fences, all areas of the outfield will be in play.
ALL AGES & TEAMS: USSSA (usssa.com) rules will be used with the following exceptions and/or addition too (ipgsa.com FB rules);
*The Home team shall take first base dugout (When possible. If a team has back-to-back games, they do NOT need to move).
*Both teams need to keep a scorebook. Home Teams is official book. It is important and suggested to cross-check the score after each full inning to help avoid any scoring discrepancies at the end of the game.
*Exact Game Time will be ANNOUNCED by the Umpire at the plate to both coaches to help with any confusion at the end of the game. Game time starts the moment the plate meeting ends.
*Must Bat All Players: During weekly play and throughout the EOS Tourney. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit.
*6 Runs an inning for all ages in season and for the EOS Tourney.
*Each team will have one home and one away game each week (or 2 home/away games for 12U and 14U Seeding Weekend).
*Winning team reports score, but we request that both teams report the score please. An email from our web host, TSL/IPGSA will be sent to both coaches. Either coach can report the score.
*No automatic out (see note). No auto out if a team is only playing with 8 players and/or a player is removed from the lineup for an injury and/or other reasons.
NOTE: If a player is ejected from the game, then the “no automatic out” does NOT apply. When a player is ejected, her spot in the lineup becomes an OUT.
*Free Substitution for all defensive positions.
*The International Tie-Breaker (ITB) for regular season play is not used as games are timed and regular season games can end in a Tie.
*Mercy Rule: 10 runs ahead after 4 innings including during the E~O~S Tourney.
*Umps are NOT allowed to adjust their calls after reviewing photos and/or videos.
*During LIVE play; Coaches MAY NOT touch their players. For example, gently pushing them to run to another base or picking them up and putting them on a base. PENALTY: Dead Ball and the touched player is OUT.
*It is Best for the HEAD coach to attend the Plate Meeting before the game starts.
*REC TEAMS ONLY: No player can sit more than 1 consecutive inning.
1) 75 minutes finish the inning if needed. NOT DROP DEAD. Finish the inning IF needed. If either team is within the 6-run rule
2) No New Inning after 70 minutes.
a) The 70-minute rule ONLY applies to a new inning and cannot be called as time without it being the start of a new inning (why umps must announce start time)
b) Games can end in a tie AFTER FAIR-UPS to both teams (if needed).
c) If at the 75-minute mark, either team CAN NOT catch up (per the 6-run rule), the game will end after current batter finishes her at bat.
d) Umps are to allow the last batter to finish her “at bat” (if a player is batting).
e) If, at the instant the home team completes their at bat (3 outs or maximum runs scored), there is any time left on the game clock, another inning must be played if there is 69 or less minutes left on the clock.
*To ensure as much dirt time as possible;
a) Teams will have 2 minutes to switch sides including warming up the pitcher.
b) Violation of this rule by the team on offense will result in the batter being awarded a strike every 20 seconds they are not ready.
c) A violation by the team on defense will result in the batter being granted a ball for every 20 seconds they are not ready.
d) We want to emphasize that the catcher needs to be ready to take the field as soon as the team finishes their time at bat.
e) Umpires should instruct coaches to have their catchers ready at all times and recommend using the courtesy runner for the catcher only in order to keep the game moving.
f) A new Pitcher will receive 5 warm up pitches. A Returning Pitcher will receive 2 warm up pitches
g) If a "returning" pitcher is still pitching, it is encouraged for the fielders NOT to take a ball out to throw around to help speed up the time in between innings.
h) The umpire will enforce this rule for optimal playing time.
*EOST: All games times, including Championship and "If" games are 75 minutes.
*EOST: Higher seed gets “Home” team through Winner’s Bracket only.
*EOST: Championship game #1, “Home” team goes to winner’s bracket team. Championship “IF” game #2 is a Coin Flip.
*EOST: Loser’s bracket all games are Coin Flip.
*EOST: In the case of a tied "Seed" where 2 divisions meet, a coin flip will determine "Home" team (only when 2 two divisions combine).
*EOST: In the case of a tied game and time has expired (Top of a new inning), the ITB Rule will be used.
*EOST: In the case of a tied game and time has expired, there is NO RUN RULE of 6 Per inning. It’s unlimited Runs.
*For Fall Ball, Pick-Up Players (PUPs) are allowed at all ages and all levels.
*They can play any position, including pitcher, throughout the regular season.
*Teams can use PUPs for the End-of-Season Tournament (EOST), however, they are NOT ALLOWED to pitch in tourney.
*Any player not on your official Fall Ball roster by October 1st is considered a PUP.
*The goal is to prevent teams from bringing in ringers for the EOST.
*Competitive Players can NOT play on a rec team.
*PUP must wear their own team’s uniform. The coach MUST identify the player(s) to the ump and opposing coach before the game starts. Failure to do so will result in the player(s) being removed from the game.
*FB believes in avoiding forfeits if at all possible and encourages teams to "Share" players at game time if a team is short.
*Coaches have their choices of having the player(s) play defensively only for the other team, allowing that player(s) to still bat/play with their own team OR a coach can send a player(s) over for the entire game
*Though it is not a rule a coach has to "Share", whatever is agreed upon at game time, it will stand and the game can NOT be protested in regards to "sharing" a player.
*14U Comp TEAMS: There are no restrictions to HS players playing in FB, except that they are 14U eligible for the 2024/2025 season. (Not 15 before 9.1.24).
*14U Rec TEAMS: There are no restrictions to HS players playing in FB, except that they are 14U eligible for the 2024/2025 season. (Not 15 before 1.1.25).
*HS Teams: Any Player still in HS can play in the HS Division.
*If the player plays for their high school team, the player must get permission from the principal per CHSAA rules.
*A copy of such permission will be given to the Fall Ball Coach.
A Principal, Athletic Director and/or HS Coach must give permission to players to play outside sports unless the student athlete is on academic probation or has attendance issues. If you are told no, please reach out to your head coach for help and they will contact the League. FB will work with the HS schedules to ensure they do not conflict so the athlete can participate in HS Softball & FB. FB encourages players to attend HS events over FB events if they overlap.
Outside Competition (2100.2)
As a member of any high school team, a student may practice or compete in that sport during that sport season in a non-school event with prior written permission of the principal.
Members of high school teams may compete in non-school events in that sport without written permission on the day following the completion of the season for the level (freshman, sophomore, junior varsity, varsity) of the team on which they are competing. NOTE: A student becomes subject to the outside competition rule on or after the first date of formal practice, when he or she reports out for practice and is in contention for a berth on the team. Rev. 6/16/20
*There are NO pitching limits for FB (including all Recreational teams).
*FB encourages ALL PITCHERS to wear a Safety Mask.
1) It is required for all REC teams.
2) It is NOT required for COMP teams, but strongly suggested.
*A pitcher is considered to have pitched one inning if she pitches one pitch to one batter.
*Pitchers may pitch consecutive or non-consecutive innings.
*New pitchers will receive 5 pitches for a new inning. All returning pitchers in the same game will receive 2 pitches per inning.
*There is no limit or penalty on how many batters a pitcher may hit. (hit-by-pitch).
HOWEVER, if the ump deems a pitcher is being malicious and purposeful in hitting the batters, the UMP will suspend the pitcher for the current game and put her on the bench.
*Penalty for Illegal Pitch: It is a delayed dead ball and should be signaled by the umpire calling the illegal pitch and verbalized so a player can hear the call. The pitch is declared a ball. If the pitch is hit then the coach will have the option of taking the results of the play or accepting the penalty.
*Per USSSA 2020 PITCHING RULES CHANGE: Pitchers may step back with one foot or start with one foot behind the pitching plate
*Per USSSA 2023 PITCHING RULES CHANGE: RULE 6 PITCHING, Sec 1.E.3, pages 34-35 Permits the pitcher to leap, and prescribes the legal requirements for leaping. (For more info, please visit https://usssa.com/docs/2020/FPRB_Online_revised_011620.pdf)
*There is no “Slide Rule”, the rule is the “No Collision Rule.” A runner may not collide with a defensive player at any base UNLESS the runner is sliding. Failure to do so will result in the runner being called out and possibly ejected. This is not to imply that the runner must slide, but that she must avoid a collision if there’s a play at all bases. In order for this rule to be applied, the defensive player MUST have possession of the ball for the “No Collision Rule” to come into effect. If the Defensive player does NOT have possession of the ball, she MUST get out of the way of the runner. Even if the ball is on its way, the defensive player MUST allow a running lane for the runner, until she has possession of the ball.
*A runner must stay within the 3-foot base path if avoiding a tag. (The runner defines the 3-foot base path where she begins, not with the actual base path)
*If a play is not being made on a runner, the 3-foot baseline rule does not apply and the runner cannot be called out for this rule.
*Courtesy Runners (CR): May be used for pitchers and catchers only. The furthest player in the batting line-up at that moment LCAB (last completed at bat) will be used as the CR.
*A defensive player is responsible for avoiding the runner at any base when there is no play on the runner. Failure to do so could result in the runner being awarded the next base (USSSA Page 50 Runner-Defense Inference).
*At a base, the defensive player MUST HAVE POSSESSION of the ball for a “Collision Call” to be made. If the defensive player does not have the ball and is in the runner’s baseline, it will be ruled obstruction on the Defensive Player.
*However, if “Malicious Contact” initiated by the runner supersedes obstruction and will result in a dead-ball, the runner being called out and ejected from the game in progress.
*A defensive player fielding a batted ball on an initial play has the total right to field the ball. If the runner runs into her, it is an immediate dead ball, interference is called, and the runner is out. The defensive player does NOT need to have possession of the ball in this case. The defensive player, if after making the play, loses possession of the ball, she has to be within a step and a reach of the ball and is still "protected". If the ball goes farther than a step and a reach, then the defensive player would be considered to be in the base path ofthe runner, and obstruction would be called.
*Fake tags are not allowed. First offense is a team warning. Second offense and any subsequent violation the player is restricted to the bench for the rest of the game.
*The defensive team will have 3 conferences without penalty for a legal game. If an extra inning is played, one additional visit will be allowed without penalty regardless of how many were used prior. Penalty on the fourth visit regulation or second visit in extra innings will be the removal of that player from the pitching position for the remainder of the game.
*The look-back rule starts once the batter-runner touches 1st or any base OR when a base runner is legitimately off base (i.e., moving off a base after a pitch or rounding a base after a hit, walk or dropped third strike), the pitcher is obligated to allow sufficient time for the runner to return.
*However, once the pitcher has the ball within the 16-foot circle, the runner is obligated to move directly toward the next base or the base last touched without any motion or recognition by the pitcher.
*The runner may not stand motionless or, after returning to the base, may not move off that base even though the pitcher is standing off the pitcher’s plate.
*Failure of the runner to respond as indicated shall cause the umpire to signal the runner out. The ball shall be declared dead.
*However, if the ball is not in the 16-foot circle or a fake throw is made, the runners are not governed by this rule.
*Being in the 16-foot circle is defined as both feet within or partially within the line. The feet may touch the line and extend outside the line.
*When the pitcher is in the pitcher’s circle and a runner(s) is off the base, the pitcher is considered to be playing on the runner(s) when the throwing arm is raised or any forward movement of the body is made toward the runner.
*Movement of the head is not considered an attempted play.
*If a batter is hit by a pitch (whether or not the ball strikes her or the ground first) she shall be awarded first base.
*If a Batter is attempting to swing at a pitched ball (shall be called a strike), leans or steps into a pitch to be hit, the ump will not award first base and will call the pitch a ball or strike according to what the ump sees.
*Failing to make a reasonable effort to vacate a congested area when there is a throw/play at home and there is time for the batter to move away. PENALTY- Dead Ball, batter is out and any runners must return to their base.
What does this mean? A Batter Must vacate the batter’s box into FOUL territory (not FAIR territory) if a runner is coming home.
*If the batter does not vacate the box before the base runner comes into the batter’s box, the runner(s) go back to their bases and the batter is out.
*If the catcher is throwing the ball to a base in an attempt to get a runner out, the batter owns the box and cannot cause interference if she maintains the batting position or location within the box.
*If the batter would step out of the box and cause interference, the batter would be out.
*The ball needs to be controlled in the circle for play to be stopped (except for 8U and 10U rec. Please refer to those specific rules).
*The batter cannot lean into or move around within the box to obstruct a play.
*A batter will be called out if she throws her bat in a careless manner (as determined by the umpire, NO WARNINGS REQUIRED)
*A strikeout is the result of the pitcher getting a third strike charged to a batter. In fast pitch, this usually results in the batter being out.
*Dropped Third Strike: In all Comp levels and 14U Rec anytime first base is unoccupied, or there are two outs with first base occupied, and the third strike is not caught, the batter-runner is entitled to advance. This is considered a dropped third strike. (Rule 3 Sec 58 and Rule 7 Sec 14-D). If first base is occupied with less than two outs, the batter may not advance to first base, however, the ball is still considered live and baserunners may advance at their own risk (Unless the Ump has called time out).
*Intentional Walks: Requires the pitcher to pitch to the batter to achieve the walk. (MUST PITCH to the BATTER)
*Players may wear jewelry as long as they are not dangly or hoops.
*Players shall not carry combs or other items that protrude from a pocket.
*Batting helmets with cages MUST be worn by all girls. NOCSAE approved batting helmets with extended ear flaps, which cover both ears and temples are mandatory for all batters, on deck batters, base runners, non-adult bat & ball shaggers and any offensive player in live ball territory, even if the ball is dead.
*Batting helmets must have attached face mask/guard and they must be NOCSAE approved.
*Catcher’s helmets MUST be worn by all catchers.
*A catcher’s helmet MUST be worn by any girl warming up a pitcher.
*A catcher must wear a helmet even when a batter is hitting off the tee.
*Protests can only be made relating to player eligibility and rule interpretations, not on umpire judgment calls.
*The protesting team shall request “time” from the umpire to announce that they are protesting the game.
*Protests must be made prior to the next legal pitch.
*As soon as the protest is made, BOTH scorekeepers will draw a line on the score sheet indicating the inning, count on the batter, and positions of any runners on base, at the time of protest.
*The scorekeepers will also note the amount of time remaining in the game on the score sheet.
*Umpire(s) and the field supervisor (if available) will discuss and rule on the protest.
*If this procedure takes an excessive amount of time, the game may be shortened accordingly; however, this in not encouraged.
*If the team disagrees with the decision made, they must file a written protest to the IPGSA BOD within 48 hours after the game in question.
*The protest will be heard and acted upon by the BOD.
*The decision of the BOD is final.
*If a parent or coach believes a player is too old for the team she is playing on, they may protest that player’s eligibility by submitting a written letter with the evidence outlined.
*At its discretion, the BOD may request a birth certificate from the accused player.
*All protests must be accompanied with $75.00. The $75.00 will be returned if the protest is upheld, the player suspended, and all games the player participated in forfeited.
*Developmentally delayed/impaired athletes will be looked at individually. The BOD will help the player be placed at the safest level regardless of age. Coaches will be notified before each game in which such athlete participates.
IPGSA will use the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) recommendation of 30 seconds flash to bang time when suspending play due to lightning. Once suspended, all players, coaches, officials and spectators should seek adequate shelter and play may not resume until 30 minutes after the last flash of lightning or sound of thunder. There are no exceptions. The game will be suspended as not completed unless game ending rules take effect (teams have played their age group regulation innings, an hour and a half has expired or run rules after inning apply).
*** Additional Rules/Exceptions per Age and/or Division ***
ALL HS, 14U Comp and Rec Teams:
Pitches from 43 feet.
14U Rec additional Rule. All Players MUST play defense. No Pitching limits.
12U Competitive Teams:
Pitches from 40 feet.
12U Recreational Supplemental Rules:
*Pitches from 37 feet.
*No Pitching limits.
*A base runner may not leave the base until the pitched ball crosses home plate or is hit by a batter.
*If a runner leaves early, she will be called out.
*Stealing home is prohibited on a pitch or throw-back to the pitcher. (Passed ball or wild pitch).
*Runners on all bases are also prohibited from scoring from third on a passed ball or wild pitch.
*If runner attempts to go home, the runner will be sent back to 3rd base.
*HOWEVER: If any defensive player makes a play on a runner at any base, the third base runner may attempt to advance and score even if it is on or after a
pitched ball.
Runner(s) CAN NOT STEAL home from any base.
Runners MAY advance to 2nd and 3rd, but NOT HOME.
Runner(s) CAN NOT STEAL home from any base.
Runners MAY advance to 2nd and 3rd, but NOT HOME.
C) CATCHER (OR ANY DEFENSIVE PLAYER including PITCHER) makes an “throwing" attempt on ANY baserunner After WP or PB;
All Bets are off and all runners can steal home.
HOWEVER, IF THE DEFENSIVE PLAYER DOES NOT THROW the ball in an attempt to get a runner and throws to the pitcher... Runner(s) CAN NOT STEAL home from any base.
For example... catcher chases runner on 3rd back to 3rd... but no throw happens, runners CAN NOT steal home.
D) Ball is HIT or Batter:
LIVE BALL all runners can advance until ball is in the Circle. (Look-Back rule comes in to effect)
E) Pitcher is overthrown after a HIT;
Runner(s) CAN STEAL home from any base.
F) Pitcher is overthrown after a Batter is Walked;
Runner(s) CAN NOT STEAL home from any base.
G) Runners are on Base and the Catcher overthrows Pitcher enough that the UMP does not know if it was an attempt to get a player stealing from 1st to 2nd OR 2nd to 3rd OR the player comes off 3rd base to entice a throw.
If the Ump believes the catcher was making an attempt to throw a runner out, then players CAN steal home.
If the Ump believes the catcher just overthrew the pitcher, then runners CAN NOT steal home.
*In addition... if there is a LIVE play, throwing back to the pitcher DOES NOT stop the live play. The look-back rule would come into effect.
*Infield Fly Rule is not used
*Dropped 3rd strike is not used
*No pitching limits for FB (including all Recreational teams. This differs from summer rules)
*All Players MUST play defense.
10U Competitive Teams:
*Pitches from 35 feet
*WILL play with: Dropped 3rd strike, stealing on the pitch, IFR and stealing of all bases no limits.
*Straight up USSSA 10U rules are used for 10U Comp FB.
10 & Under Rec Supplemental Rules
*Pitches from 30 feet.
*No Pitching limits.
Each game will begin with a pregame plate meeting. This meeting is not a negotiation.
This is an opportunity to make sure the coaches are on the same page and prepared for a FUN game! If one of the coaches uses the statement “sometimes we play it that way,” the rule book should be consulted. Coaches are not to “play it” this way one game and “that way” the next game. The Umpire or Field Supervisor shall make the final determination on the field for all rule concerns.
a. The “Infield Boundary” is located roughly 10-12 ft behind the baselines. This (often imaginary line) serves as the boundary between Infield and Outfield.
b. An Infield Hit is defined as a batted ball hit to an infielder which remains within the Infield Boundary.
c. Any batted ball which passes the Infield Boundary is considered an Outfield Hit.
d. The Infield Boundary is the region in which the ball must be returned in order to limit the play.
IPGSA values “dirt time.” All attempts must be made to play as much softball as possible.
a. Time between half innings is limited to 2 mins. Please refer to Fall Ball General Rules.
a. Batters will face live pitching from the opposing team’s player pitcher.
b. Batters can strike out from live pitching.
c. if the batter receives 4 balls, a tee will be brought out. (Please see below for Tee Rules)
d. After Week 1, the batter is out in the case of the thrown bat with a live pitch or off the tee. No Warning.
e. Bunting off a live pitch is allowed.
f. Sliding is allowed at all bases.
Placement of the Tee:
a. A tee will be placed for the batter to hit off after she receives four balls.
b. The base of the tee will be turned 180 degrees from the old position so that the flat side of the base aligns flat against the flat side and in front of home plate.
(Tee should NOT sit directly on top of home plate, but rather in front of the plate).
c. The Tee or its Base is NOT to be used as a substitute for Home Plate when making a play offensively or defensively. Defensive and Offensive players must use home plate for any play to be considered by the umps in Safe & Out calls
d. The tee should be placed within the strike zone. A coach MAY NOT move the tee to help their players achieve a hit.
Note: For example, the coach may not put the tee outside the strike zone to force a hit to third base.
Ball Placement on the Tee:
a. It is suggested that teams incorporate setting tee height at practice according to their hip or leg placement.
b. The Player or the Umpire can set the tee height, but ideally, it is better for the player to make the height adjustment. (One height adjustment is allowed per at bat).
c. If the umpire sets the height, and it is not correct, it will NOT be reset regardless of player or coach request.
d. It is the Umpire’s responsibility to ensure the Tee is removed after a hit unless it would cause the umpire to interfere with a play.
e. Catchers will place the ball on the tee while the batter is out of the batter box. Batters will stay out of the batter’s box to ensure safety of the ump/catcher in cases of accidental bat swings/injuries
f. If Batter Swings making contact with the Catcher before the Catcher is done placing the ball on the tee and moving to the catcher’s position, the Batter is Out. (this is for the safety of the Catcher)
Tee Swings:
a. A single practice swing is permitted outside of the batter’s box while the tee is being placed in front of the plate.
b. Practice swings/line-ups at the tee are NOT ALLOWED. The batter shall not take a practice swing or line-ups of any sort while within the batter’s box. If she does so, she is OUT.
c. Batters will use the same stance to hit off of the tee as when hitting off a pitcher. If the Batter rotates her body, she is OUT.
d. If she cannot put the ball in play after one swing, she shall be considered OUT. (NO ADDITIONAL ATTEMPTS ARE ALLOWED)
Note: This Rule is NOT TO BE NEGOTIATED AT THE PLATE MEETING or at any time. This is a RULE to allow fairness to all players.
Advancement on Hits from the Tee:
a. When the batter hits the ball off the tee, the batter and runners may advance only to the next base in the case of an Infield Hit (See Rule 2b).
b. In the case of an Outfield Hit (See Rule 2c), the batter and runners may advance up to two bases
c. The batter and runners may advance as a result of an overthrow, but they may not gain more than 2 bases total, at their own risk for hits from the tee.
Example: A runner on 1st base may not advance past 3rd base, even if there are consecutive overthrows or in the case of a ball hit to the fence. There is a 2- base maximum, regardless of the situation, for balls hit from the tee.
OUTS from the Tee:
The batter will be called out after the following:
a. A practice swing/line-up in the batter’s box or at the tee at any time.
b. Bringing the bat to the tee/ball after initial one-time height adjustment/setting with or without the ball on the tee.
c. The batter adjusting their stance in the box compared to when batting against the pitcher.
d. Hitting a foul ball.
e. Hitting a ball into fair territory but it doesn’t travel past the 15-foot arc.
f. Missing the tee.
g. Hitting only the tee without contact with the ball, even if hitting the tee launches a ball into fair territory. The Batter must make contact with the ball.
Note: The bat may hit the tee, it just needs to make contact with the ball too.
a. If the ball doesn’t travel through the 15-foot Arc, it is a DEAD BALL. All runners return to their base(s). The batter is OUT.
b. If the ball stops in the Arc or is touched by a defensive player within the Arc, the batter is OUT.
c. If the ball is slowly rolling within the Arc and clears the Arc, it is a fair ball.
d. If the ball is popped up and is caught in or out of the Arc, the batter is OUT.
e. If it is popped up and not caught but remains within the Arc, the batter is OUT.
Tee hits must clear the 15-ft arc.
Note: If the ball is pitched there is no minimum distance the ball must travel. The Arc does not apply to LIVE pitching.
a. Runners may not progress more than one base on an Infield Hit regardless of whether the ball was hit off the pitcher or off the tee.
b. Runners may not progress more than one base as a result of an infielder bobbling the ball as long as the ball remains within the Infield Boundary.
c. The only way to progress an additional base on an Infield Hit will require an overthrow.
d. On an Infield Hit, the ball is dead once the batter reaches 1st base, regardless of possession unless there is an overthrow.
e. An Outfield Hit off the pitcher allows runners to advance at their own risk, as many bases as they can until the play is considered complete.
Note: Balls remaining in the infield dirt, but are fielded past the Infield Boundary are Outfield Hits. The ball must be brought into the infield. (See Rule 7a).
Note: Some fields are designed for 90 ft bases and have 110 ft of dirt before the grass.
f. Base Runners may run when the ball is HIT. The penalty for a runner leaving early is an OUT.
a. A play is considered complete when the ball is returned to the infield and is under control by ANY infielder unless there are runners between bases. It is not required that the ball be returned to the pitcher before time is called.
b. Runners between bases may advance to the next base or return to their previous base at their own risk. The play is LIVE so long as the runners are between bases.
a. An overthrow will allow all runners to progress 1 additional base, at their own risk, but not further. Only 1 overthrow is allowed. A second overthrow does not entitle the runner to further progress to another base. TIME IS OUT.
This reduces past balls to the pitcher or other players and prevents the runner from continuously running around the bases.
Example: The ball is hit off the pitcher. A player throws the ball to 1st base and makes an overthrow, the runner may advance to 2nd base. If the first baseman, then overthrows the ball to 2nd base, the runner CAN NOT advance to 3rd base.
b. The umpire calls time when:
i) The ball is returned to the infield and is under control by ANY Infielder AND
ii) All runners have arrived at a base.
c. Balls thrown into the infield from the outfield are live balls and an infielder must gain possession of the ball inside of the Infield Boundary.
d. A ball thrown into the infield from the outfield and is overthrown, would be considered an overthrow and counts as the one overthrow per bat.
e. Only 1 overthrow is permitted per at bat.
Note: An overthrow is any ball not caught cleanly by the intended target when making a play on a baserunner. As such, a ball that bounces to the fielder, but is caught off the bounce is not an overthrow. However, a throw that bounces off the intended target’s glove or doesn’t make contact with the intended target, regardless of what direction it travels, is an overthrow.
Note: This teaches infielders to be looking for the ball and pitchers to understand they must take responsibility for the infield and back up any throws coming in from the outfield. It also teaches field awareness to the outfielders who may run the ball across the Infield Boundary to stop the runners.)
a. The tenth defensive player and all outfielders (Fielders #7-#10) must be positioned beyond the Infield Boundary until the ball is pitched. They cannot play on or inside the Infield Boundary (See Rule 2a). They cannot play behind home plate (there cannot be more than one player in the catcher, pitcher or all infield positions).
b. Fielders #7-10 must remain outside this arc until the ball is pitched.
c. Coaches are NOT allowed on the field (fair territory), the defensive coach has the option of standing behind the umpire to help get passed balls back to the catcher. The catcher MUST make the throwback to the pitcher. The coach behind the plate must remain silent during the pitch and cannot throwback to the pitcher. IF the Coach behind the catcher can NOT remain silent during the pitch, they will be removed.
d. The pitcher will throw from a distance of 30 ft.
e. For the pitcher’s safety, she will retreat to the back of the circle (38 ft) for balls hit from the tee.
f. She must remain at the back of the circle, but within the circle. The Pitcher Can NOT be a second Shortstop or 2nd baseman.
g. Coaches and umpires shall enforce this rule.
h. There are pitching limits. (3 innings per Game)
i. All Players MUST play defense according to Rule 10 of the Main rules.
a. Each team will receive 1 extra base running violation warning (per game)
b. After that, each time the Rule is broken, any player sent by the coach and/or by the player themselves to achieve extra bases will be called OUT and not put back on correct the base.
c. If more than one runner advances extra bases, the LEAD RUNNER is OUT, all others return to their previous base.
d. This rule will only be applied IF ANY runner achieves the next base.
a. The Infield Fly Rule is not used at 10u Rec. This means a double or triple play is possible as a result of a pop-up in the infield.
Reason: First, the players need to learn what can happen when a pop up is caught. Second, it is very unlikely the ball will be dropped on purpose at this level.
As a result, the girls can learn what is possible when the ball is caught and what is possible if the runners hold and the ball is dropped.
b. Dropped 3rd strike is not used.
8 & Under Rec Supplemental Rules
Each game will begin with a pregame plate meeting. This meeting is not a negotiation. This is an opportunity to make sure the coaches are on the same page and prepared for a FUN game! If one of the coaches uses the statement “sometimes we play it that way,” the rule book should be consulted. Coaches are not to “play it” this way one game and “that way” the next game. The umpire (if there is one) or Field Supervisor shall make the final determination on the field for all rule concerns.
a. The “Infield Boundary” is located roughly 10-12 ft behind the baselines. This (often imaginary line) serves as the boundary between Infield and Outfield.
b. An Infield Hit is defined as a batted ball hit to an infielder which remains within the Infield Boundary.
c. Any batted ball which passes the Infield Boundary is considered an Outfield Hit.
d. The Infield Boundary is the region in which the ball must be returned in order to limit the play.
IPGSA values “dirt time.” All attempts must be made to play as much softball as possible.
a. Time between half innings is limited to 2 mins. Please refer to Fall Ball General Rules.
a. In order to keep the game moving, it is required that a defensive coach stand behind the catcher to hold the balls until the current batter has completed their full at bat.
b. The coach from the offensive team (at bat) will pitch to the team from a distance of thirty (30) feet. The coach pitching MUST ensure all defensive players are ready for the pitch. Please ensure the defensive players have returned the ball and are in the fielding position ready to play.
c. The defensive team’s pitcher will stand next to the coach.
d. After the 4 pitched ball, the catcher will throw one of the balls back to the player pitcher so they can practice their positions. The catcher coach will return the other 3 balls to the pitcher coach. Use 1 ball for tee.
e. Each player will be given a maximum of four (4) pitches to hit. Even if the batter swings at all four pitches she shall not be considered out.
f. If she does not hit one fair after four (4) pitches, the tee will be brought out (Please see below for Tee Rules)
g. After Week 1, the batter is out in the case of the thrown bat with a live pitch or off the tee. No Warning.
h. Hit-by-Pitch (HBP) does not exist in 8U.
i. Bunting is not allowed off the tee or off a live pitch.
j. Sliding is allowed at all bases.
Placement of the Tee:
a. A tee will be placed for the batter to hit off after she receives four pitches.
b. The base of the tee will be turned 180 degrees from the old position so that the flat side of the base aligns flat against the flat side and in front of home plate.
(Tee should NOT sit directly on top of home plate, but rather in front of the plate).
c. The Tee or its Base is NOT to be used as a substitute for Home Plate when making a play offensively or defensively. Defensive and Offensive players must use home plate for any play to be considered by the umps in Safe & Out calls
d. The tee should be placed within the strike zone. A coach MAY NOT move the tee to help their players achieve a hit.
Note: For example, the coach may not put the tee outside the strike zone to force a hit to third base.
e. After the tee is placed, the coach will leave fair territory.
Ball Placement on the Tee:
a. It is suggested that teams incorporate setting tee height at practice according to their hip or leg placement.
b. The offensive coach should set the tee height. (ONE HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT IS ALLOWED per swing)
c. Catchers will place the ball on the tee.
d. If Batter Swings making contact with the Catcher before the Catcher is done placing the ball on the tee and has time to move to the catcher’s position, the Batter is OUT. (This is for the safety of the Catcher)
e. It is the responsibility of the defensive coach stationed behind the plate to ensure the Tee is
removed after a hit unless it would cause the coach to interfere with a play. The tee must be removed quickly for plays at the plate.
Tee Swings:
a. The batter may take a practice swing at the tee at 8U. She may also use a “line-up to the ball.” Have patience, she may be new to this.
b. Batters will use the same stance to hit off of the tee as when hitting off a pitcher.
c. If she cannot put it in play after two *swings/strikes, she shall be considered out. (NO ADDITIONAL ATTEMPTS ARE ALLOWED) Putting the ball in play off of the tee is when the ball is hit anywhere in FAIR TERRITORY.
Note: This Rule is NOT TO BE NEGOTIATED AT THE PLATE MEETING or at any time. This is a RULE to allow fairness to all players.
d. There is no penalty for a ball accidentally knocked off the tee as in a practice swing.
Advancement on Hits from the Tee:
a. When the batter hits the ball off the tee, the batter and runners may advance only to the next base, even if the ball is hit deep into the outfield.
b. There is no additional advancement on overthrows when the ball has been hit from the tee. One base only for batter and all runners.
Outs/Strikes from the Tee:
a. A failed attempt tee swing includes;
i) The batter adjusting their stance in the box, compared to when batting against the pitcher.
ii) Hitting a foul ball (strike).
iii) Missing the tee (strike).
iv) Hitting only the tee without contact with the ball, even if hitting the tee launches a ball into fair territory. The Batter must make contact with the ball. (strike)
Note: The bat may hit the tee, it just needs to make contact with the ball too.
b. An OUT from a tee swing occurs when any of the above failures occurs on the SECOND attempt. This is also true in the case of a foul ball. The batter has 2 swings to put the ball in fair territory.
c. The 15-foot arc is not used at 8U Rec.
a. Runners may not progress more than one base on an infield hit regardless of whether the ball was hit off the pitcher or off the tee.
b. Runners may not progress more than one base as a result of an infielder bobbling the ball as long as the ball remains within the Infield Boundary
c. The only way to progress an additional base on an Infield Hit will require an overthrow unless the ball was hit from the tee.
d. On an Infield Hit, the ball is dead once the batter reaches 1st base, regardless of possession unless there is an overthrow.
This is to reduce over aggressive baserunning against newer rec players.
e. An Outfield Hit off the pitcher allows runners to advance at their own risk, as many bases as they can until the play is considered complete. Note: Balls remaining in the infield dirt, but are fielded past the Infield Boundary are Outfield Hits. The ball must be brought into the infield. (See Rule 6f).
Note: Some fields are designed for 90 ft bases and have 110 ft of dirt before the grass.
f. A play is considered complete when the ball is returned within the infield boundary and is under control by ANY player unless there are runners between bases.
It is not required that the ball be returned to the pitcher before time is called.
g. Runners between bases may advance to the next base or return to their previous base at their own risk. The play is LIVE so long as the runners are between bases.
h. Base Runners may run when the ball is HIT. The penalty for a runner leaving early is an OUT on the offending runner.
a. 2-3 defensive coaches may be positioned along the outfield perimeter in order to coach the girls and help them remain engaged and understand their positions.
b. The tenth defensive player and all outfielders (Fielders #7-#10) must be positioned beyond the Infield Boundary until the ball is pitched. They cannot play on or inside the Infield Boundary (See Rule 2a). They cannot play behind home plate (there cannot be more than one player in the catcher, pitcher or all infield positions).
c. Pitching distance will be 30 feet when pitching and 40 feet when the tee is used the pitcher must retreat to the back of the pitcher’s circle but must remain within the circle when the tee is brought out. This rule is for the safety of our players and will be enforced by the Umps/FS and/or Coaches.
d. The Pitcher Can NOT be a second Shortstop or 2nd baseman.
e. All Players MUST play defense according to Rule 10 of the Main rules.
f. If the coach-pitcher is hit by a ball off the pitch, tee or thrown, it remains a live ball and the defense needs to play it. Even if the coach accidentally catches it.
The coach needs to drop the ball and move to allow the defensive players to make a play on the ball.
g. If the coach-pitcher intentionally interferes with a hit or thrown ball, it’s a dead ball and all runners will return to their base and the batter will return to batting.
h. Defensive coaches may NOT make plays on the ball, help or interfere with the players.
a. An overthrow will allow all runners to progress 1 additional base, at their own risk, but not further. Only 1 overthrow is allowed. A second overthrow does not entitle the runner to further progress to another base. TIME IS OUT.
b. This reduces past balls to the pitcher or other players and prevents the runner from continuously running around the bases.
Example: The ball is hit off the pitcher. A player throws the ball to 1st base and makes an overthrow, the runner may advance to 2nd base. If the first baseman, then overthrows the ball to 2nd base, the runner CAN NOT advance to 3rd base.
c. Runners MAY NOT ADVANCE due to an overthrow when the ball is hit from the tee.
d. The umpire/coach calls time when:
i) The ball is returned to the infield by ANY player (Infielder or Outfielder) AND
ii) Is under control by ANY player (Infielder or Outfielder) AND
ii) All runners have arrived at a base.
Note: An overthrow is any ball not caught cleanly by the intended target when making a play on a baserunner. As such, a ball that bounces to the fielder, but is caught off the bounce is not an overthrow. However, a throw that bounces off the intended target’s glove or doesn’t make contact with the intended target, regardless of what direction it travels, is an overthrow.
Example: With a runner on 1st base, a LIVE pitch is hit past the Infield Boundary to the Left
Fielder. She fields the ball and runs it into the infield. Before she crosses the arc, the runner gets around second base. Since the runner crossed 2B before the ball crossed the plane into the IF, the runner may continue to third base at her own risk or she may retreat back to second base. Now that the ball is in the infield, in possession of a player, once this runner touches a base, time is out. Until then, the play is LIVE.
e. Balls thrown into the infield from the outfield are live balls and an infielder must gain possession of the ball inside of the Infield Boundary.
f. A ball thrown into the infield from the outfield and is overthrown, would be considered an overthrow and counts as the one overthrow per bat.
g. Only 1 overthrow is permitted per at bat.
This teaches infielders to be looking for the ball and pitchers to understand they must take responsibility for the infield and back up any throws coming in from the outfield. It also teaches field awareness to the outfielders (8U) who may run the ball across the Infield Boundary to stop the runners.)
a. Each team will receive 1 extra base running violation warning (per game)
b. After that, each time the Rule is broken, any player sent by the coach and/or by the player themselves to achieve extra bases will be called OUT and not put back on correct the base.
c. If more than one runner advances extra bases, the LEAD RUNNER is OUT, all others return to their previous base.
d. This rule will only be applied IF ANY runner achieves the next base.
a. The Infield Fly Rule is not used at 8u Rec. This means a double or triple play is possible as a result of a pop-up in the infield.
Reason: First, the players need to learn what can happen when a pop up is caught. Second, it is very unlikely the ball will be dropped on purpose at this level.
As a result, the girls can learn what is possible when the ball is caught and what is possible if the runners hold and the ball is dropped.
b. Dropped 3rd strike is not used.